Sunday, July 19, 2009

Taking Internet Games Too Far

How many of you are members of Facebook? Well I used to be... I loved to log in, chat with my friends, update my status (let the homies know what's been going on with me), and play a few games.

I first started playing FarmTown. LOVED IT!!! I give that game an A+.
FarmTown is a little agricultural haven where you actually have to grow, harvest and keep up your own farm. Like real to life farms, if you let it go without upkeep, it will die. You have animals that you take care of. When you harvest your crops, you can make money to buy things like ponds and houses. My friend, Kendal, has the best farm ever on that site. I love it!

Well I was then introduced to Sorority Life. At first, I didn't catch on to the concept of the game... plus I was a little embarrassed that I'm in my late 30's and playing a game called Sorority Life. Seemed so juvenile. Well I kept getting messages that someone sent me a "relaxed cardigan" or a "hybrid prius"... so I decided to log in one day and I found it very interesting. You have an avatar that represents you. So my avatar was named Deeeee Lish (D'Lish for short). Well D'Lish started out as a dog walker with very little money.... but I found out that if you "attack" people, you not only make them lose points but you take their money. And with their money you can buy clothes or cars or shoes and make yourself stronger to fight off people who attack you. Sounds fun, huh? So I recruited my girlfriends which made my Sorority House stronger and we were unbeatable from levels 10-25. Then one day we found out that not only can you "attack" other players you can also "slap" them. Now slapping isn't the same as attacking... when you attack, you have the possibility of getting something in return... when you slap, you just make that player mad.... literally! I would get messages from other players asking me "why in the hell did I just slap them" or "what did they do to me"? LMAO! You did nothing, it's just a game! So when I would see that they would get "real life" mad at me "pretend" slapping them, I would slap them 10 more times. This would set off an internet rage! They would rally up their cyber friends and gang up on you.

I happened to go on vacation recently and was not able to log on to the computer... mainly because I was on "vacation" and enjoying "real life". Well my friend text me and told me that a group of girls were attacking her on this game... so when I got home, I logged on to see. It was a war! Somehow they assumed I was slapping them so they were attacking me. Not only was I being attacked, I was being slapped and my name was written in the "burn book". Please note, the burn book is a place where you set a bounty for a certain player and other players take them down.... I believe it actually cost real $ to put someone in the burn book. There were 4 bounty's on me, none less than $103,000 each. Which probably cost the player $5 in real life money. But to put that money out for a game to destroy someone you don't even know is crazy! So the bounty's were set and players were going for it then they would send me messages like, "ohhh you're terminally depressed. I'll wait in line." or "You will burn all weekend for slapping me." Then they would message each other and say "Ok we got her. Maybe she'll learn from this." or "She'll be in here until she learns to play nice." ARE YOU KIDDING ME? They are playing this game as if it were real. So I would message them and say "You're taking this too seriously, It's just a game." So I decided that antagonizing these players wasn't fun anymore. I wasn't afraid of them, I just thought that it could have been a 12 year old that I'm sitting here fighting with. And that's not cool.

Well my friend text me again this morning and said that she logged on to her computer and that the game was getting scarier. The threats were worse and the way these people talked, it seemed that they lived for this game. I logged on and saw that I had been attacked a few times when my computer was shut down... I don't let it get to me because it's just a game. I logged into FarmTown to play a little bit and once I did a warning screen came up and said that my computer was being hacked for passwords and security information. I immediately shut my whole facebook profile down. These players took the game way too far! Hacking into someone's computer because they cyber slapped you?? Are you fucking kidding me? And I had to use the f word because that's how idiotic this is... I will be reporting this to Facebook and Playdom... in the meantime, be careful on these computer games!