Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Vita Rain or Vita Pain??

I know I haven't posted in a while... and we'll get to that later... but I have to send a post out to everyone about Vita Rain from Kirkland (Costco). It's SUPPOSED to be like VitaminWater or Sobe Life Water.... and it's NOT!!!!

I got the Kiwi Strawberry bottled water... the label says it's going to boost essential electrolytes, it has B vitamins (which I really need) and it will maintain my body's fluid balance... well shit, sign me up!!! I cracked it open and took a big swig and almost choked!! It tastes exactly like Swish. And for those of you that don't know what Swish is... it's that nasty flouride the dentist gives us to "swish" around in our mouth and spit out... and that's exactly what I did...

Thank you Costco for providing us with a lower cost flavored water for us to drink but I don't mind paying a little more so that you can actually add FLAVOR to your "flavored" water!!! Just a suggestion.... my tastebuds are really mad at me right now!!!! To make it up to them, I bought a pineapple cupcake in the breakroom. Thanks for nothing Kirkland!!!

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