Monday, January 4, 2010

Effective Parenting- Bring Ass Whoopins BACK!!!

Reading the title I can already hear people saying, "Oh my gosh, call the police... she is promoting child abuse!" And NO I AM NOT!!! I am very against child abuse completely. But what I am for is the old fashioned ass whoopins, like the ones we used to get when we were little.

I was at the doctors office today and sat there and watched a mom completely ignore her child for 20 minutes as she climbed all over the furniture. See picture below.

Completely ridiculous!!! The office clerk asked the mom twice to stop her from climbing on the furniture. The mom yelled at the child... in one ear and out the other. I couldn't help but think that the child needs a good old fashioned ass whoopin. I know that's what I would've gotten when I was her age. And none of this going into the bathroom... my mom hauled off and whooped me right then and there. And it wasn't several beats with a lot of verbal abuse. It was one solid WHACK with a look that dared me to keep it up.... and I didn't. I would've sat down.... holding back tears... not from pain but from complete embarassment.

And it wasn't till I was a mom that made me understand that if a child is bold enough to act up in public then a parent was bold enough to check them in public. Fortunately, I have been blessed with children that are on their P's and Q's (whatever that means) in public. My oldest wouldn't dare act out or disrespect people... and to this day she has never gotten an ass whoopin. My youngest is exactly like me... however, a good stern look will put her in her place. And considering who their father is and who I am... they should be the little girl on the table. But they are very good kids and like I've said, we've been blessed.

I'm so tired of going to a restaurant or a store and the child is clearly being disruptive and out of control and you hear the parent say, "Now Timmy, look at Mommy's face. I don't have a happy face on. No, no Timmy... that is not nice." And they're going on for minutes.... hours..... trying to reason with their children... If they popped that booty, they would be able to enjoy their shopping trip or dinner out. But instead, they think that other people find it cute that they are turned around in their seat making asses of themselves. I literally heard one kid say, "Oh shut up Mom." And she did!!! I almost fainted!! Both the child and the parent needed an ass whoopin in that scenerio.

My father (God rest his soul) was the pimp of ass whoopins. We all got 1 ass whoopin from him each. And that was enough. It didn't hurt at all but it was the disappointment he had in us that made us not act up. My poor little cousin got it the worse from him. He was visiting at our house one day and kept jumping on the furniture. My dad told him over and over again to stop jumping on the furniture. He didn't listen... he jumped from the couch to the coffee table to the chair. In our family my dad was like the Godfather, people came to him to have their children disciplined. Well my dad caught my cousin jumping again and gave him a whoopin in front of us. But he did it in syllables.... with each syllable was a swat... it went something like this, "Did-nt-I-tell-you-not-to-jump-on-the-furn-it-ure?" Wow!!!! In this day and age, my dad would've gotten 20 to life. LMAO!!! But that's how it was done back in the day....

So Parents, I ask you.... do you want an unruly child? Do you want your child to be out of control and obnoxious? NO! No I say... so Parents join with me and raise your right hand and repeat after me, "No more! No more!" and with your raised right hand, swing it down till it meets their butt.

Class dismissed!

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