Friday, April 17, 2009

Booger Bacon

Ok... so I went to Safeway last night to get a few things for my mom cuz she is sick... well I've been so into the Twilight series that I was on my last few chapters of the last book. I wanted to finish and didn't want to cook dinner.... so I sent Jennae to the deli to get some sandwiches. Jennae had asked for a large sandwich but the lady made a small... when I got there I noticed it was a small and asked the lady if she could make another. She got a little huffy and repeated my question, "Another?" and I said yes. So she apologized to the lady behind me and yelled out for some help. She grabbed some bacon and threw it on to the wax paper to put in the microwave. Then she slightly turned her head and said "aaaachoo, aaaaachoo".... I wasn't too sure if she sneezed or not cuz she didn't really turn her head fully.... so I asked Jennae, "Did she sneeze?" and right when I said that the deli lady sniffled and sneezed again. So I said, "Excuse me, Ma'am. Yeah, thank you but I don't want the sandwich" And she said, "What? You don't want the sandwich?" And I said, "Well no because you sneezed and didn't cover your mouth. Once sneezes hit the air they spead and expand and I just don't think that's too sanitary" so she asked me if I wanted another and I said thank you but no... and as I walked away she mumbled some shit under her breath. It wasn't loud enough for me to hear but the ladies in line heard... one walked away with me and said, "I'm right behind you... that was disgusting and she was rude"... the other lady stayed. So I went to check out and I asked to speak to the manager... I was explaining to the manager what had happened when all of a sudden I see the lady that stayed in line come running across the store yelling, "YOU ARE LYING!!!!" She told the manager that she witnessed everything... here's how the conversation went.

Crazy lady: "She offered you another sandwich"
Me: "Yeah I said that but I lost my appetite because she sneezed and didn't cover her mouth"
Crazy lady: "She turned her head"
Me: "Well then you eat it"
Crazy lady: "I am!"
Me: "Good! Enjoy your booger bacon" and I waved my hand at her as if to scoot her away from me
Crazy lady: "I will"
Me: "Ok.. you can leave now" And then I started talking to the manager again and explained to her what had happened, then.....
Crazy lady: "THAT'S BULLSHIT!!!!"

I slammed down the ATM pen and got in her face (so close I could smell the booger bacon) and said, "Excuse me!!! I have kids here!!!" The manager and clerk had to split us up and walk the crazy lady back to the deli... I paid for my stuff. I don't even know how much it was... if people were smart they would have scooted their groceries over to my side and had me pay for them... I was so mad that when we got to the car I told Jennae to put Jayden in the trunk... I meant to say carseat... You should have seen Jennae's face when I said that.... I dug in my trunk for the tire iron but all I could find was the ice scraper for the windows. It'll do. I waited for the crazy lady for 10 minutes but she never came out the store.

Moral of the story.... don't fuck with a mom in front of her kids especially when she's hungry!!! (not hungry enough for booger bacon though) Don't trip, I got her face in my memory... When I see her again, it's going to be all bad.

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