Tuesday, April 21, 2009

NBC is EVIL!!!!

I don't know if any of you are fans of the Biggest Loser like I am. I wouldn't say I am a diehard fan but I like to watch it when I can. I was asked one time if I would ever be a contestant on the show... and my answer was HELL NO!!!! They asked me why and here is my reason....

The Biggest Loser puts these people who are weighing in the high 200's to mid 300's in sports bras and biker shorts. What the hell were these producers thinking?? Talk about strip you of your dignity!!! There is no amount of money- NONE- that would get me to go on national television in biker shorts and a sports bra!!!! And the men are worse... they are in fitted basketball shorts and NO SHIRT!!! And 100% of them have dick-do (when their belly's stick out further than their dick do). Just plain nasty! So after degrading them a little, they have them step on the largest scale in the world and the number jumps around and displays your weight for all to see. I know it's part of the process to encourage these people to lose weight, but I don't think they really think about the shame and embarassment these people go through. So plain and simply, that's my reason for never, ever, never considering being a contestant on the show...

But call me a bitch (I don't care!)... as much as I'll never do it, I love to watch other people do it. LOL!!! I will never for the life of me understand why they make them wear the sports bras and biker shorts when they are freaking HUGE and then let them wear an oversized logo shirt and shorts when they've dropped 100 lbs!!! NBC is EVIL!!!! But it makes me giggle so I like it...

I have to give it up to the editing crew though because they don't show you all the stuff you know that happens when you work out vigorously.... for instance, you CANNOT put a 300 lb man on a treadmill and crank that bitch up to level 8 and NOT have him shit on himself. Why don't they ever show that?? I know it's happened! They only show the upper half of the people, grabbing on to the side of the treadmill, sweat pouring down their face, tears of pain, trainer screaming in their face... but you never see the clean up crew in the background mopping up shit around the treadmill. You got these people up there half naked, exposing themselves... what's a little boo boo down the leg gonna hurt?? I think it'll boost ratings!!! I know I'd watch it! Don't lie... you know you would too... =o)

But seriously, I do have to give a standing ovation to these people for getting on TV and doing the damn thing! They look great! And if I ever did get up enough nerve to go on the show, I think I would get voted off... simply because I like the drama... I'd probably plant a twinkie on someone while they were sleeping and yell "Ooooooh!!! Look at so-and-so!!!" I know my ass would get voted off real quick...

If you don't watch the Biggest Loser, check it out... it comes on tonight at 8 on NBC (evil whores).
Let me know what you think....

1 comment:

  1. You're insane. I was LMAO in the office. I'm gonna get fired for reading your hilarious blog.

